Reconnective Healing uses unique and new frequencies of energy, light and information to balance and heal aspects of body, mind and soul. There has been much scientific investigation into these healing frequencies. They have at times been observed to directly affect DNA repair.

How I came to this form of Healing

After years of metaphysical studies, Reiki and training as a counselor, this healing modality fit most elegantly with my understanding that each of us need simply claim and walk into our change, our health and our wholeness. It goes way beyond the Reiki healing vibrations. In fact it includes all the healing vibrations plus “light and information.”

When I happened upon the Reconnection website I felt a strong attraction. I experienced powerful healing in myself when I tried it out. I did not experience colors or angels or amazing happenings that I read about in some of the testimonials but I did experience serious and lasting healing. I immediately no longer accepted things that I did not want in my life. After my second session, many little complaints were gone or corrected. And most dramatically, one very serious condition that was going to require drugs or a knife, was totally gone.

I knew this was going to be my way to help people find their healing. I quickly sought out Dr. Eric Pearl, to learn Reconnective Healing from him , and I am now a Level III practitioner.

You are invited to experience these healing and balancing frequencies that will continue their effects long after your session. I offer both Reconnective Healing sessions and the Reconnection. Reconnectiive Healing sessions may be done as distant healings (the participant need not be present physically), but Reconnections are always done in person.

You can learn more by exploring the Reconnection website at: